Oberstufenzentrum Landkreis Teltow-Fläming
ERASMUS+ school partnership
Department IV of our vocational school participates in 2021/2022 the ERASMUS+ program
which is sponsored by the European Union.
Together with our partner schools
we deal with the Agenda 2030 in the world of work.
Our goal is to shoot a film which depicts the results. In order to do that we explore different
local companies and institutions and find out to what extent they are working on fulfilling the
goals of the Agenda 2030.
In particular we focus on the goals
4 (quality education)
7 (affordable and clean energy)
9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure)
12 (responsible production and consumption) of the Agenda 2030.
Besides working at school on these topics and exchanging ideas and results, we also visit each
other. Within these short exchanges one industry will be examined in more detail. In Norway
we will explore sustainable forestry, in Italy we will look at the pharmaceutical branch, in
Poland the automotive industry and in Germany the aviation industry.